I am now stucked, for sure. Will be on standby for at least 12 hours starting by the second week of July. Honestly, I have not sit and eat and laugh and talk, decently with beau and mom lately..
Since april, I was pretty jammed with my duties and all, books are always waiting once I got from work. On my day offs, it's the house chores. Uwaaaa.... I am an one of those anti-social now! Too bad...!!! No-Life..? Paranoid kah aku?
Pfft, that phrase still stucked! Gedemit~! okay chill girl..... *grins*
I am as crazy as hell now, hehe too much work, mentally and physically exhausted. can't think more than, WORK, never ate at home but at WORK, been revising at WORK, baik jua nda tidur and mandi at WORK. Yes I never slept at work, eventhough I was doing my night duty. And I'm still in love with someone not at my workplace kekeke...
Been here and there, only managed to have quality time with beau, earlier this month for his birthday. and apart from that, me? work, work and work.
Nah im just rambling shits here.. im outta idea.. I just need to type out something. Bs-ing.. is all i can think of now.
Afterall... I am in love again and again... Hence the previous post ;)
Love muh giant always :P~
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